111 Squadron Ground Crew waiting for train at Anchorage for next leg of their trip to Kodiak Island. Late October, 1942.
Except for several faces, I am speculating who the others might be. 1. Boston Noel. 2. Ren Baker, identified by his daughter, Vicki Baker,
3. John Ostupchuk, 4. Fred Child, 5. C.A. Eley, 6. Jack Fordham, 7. Fred Ferris, 8, Bill Manzer, 9. Mike Percheson, 10. Don or John MacDonald?,
11. George Lay, 12. Clive "Pop" Hindson, 13. Johnny Richards 14. ?, 15, ?. 16, ?, 16, ?, 17. ? 18. ?, 19. ?
Photo by P/O (Pilot) Lou Wise which he took when he was a Sergeant (Air Frame Mechanic) in 111.
Except for several faces, I am speculating who the others might be. 1. Boston Noel. 2. Ren Baker, identified by his daughter, Vicki Baker,
3. John Ostupchuk, 4. Fred Child, 5. C.A. Eley, 6. Jack Fordham, 7. Fred Ferris, 8, Bill Manzer, 9. Mike Percheson, 10. Don or John MacDonald?,
11. George Lay, 12. Clive "Pop" Hindson, 13. Johnny Richards 14. ?, 15, ?. 16, ?, 16, ?, 17. ? 18. ?, 19. ?
Photo by P/O (Pilot) Lou Wise which he took when he was a Sergeant (Air Frame Mechanic) in 111.
Begin your search by finding out the trade of the person you are interested in. All names are here on this page. Scroll down. Beside each name is his trade, There are four categories: Upper Brass, Squadron Administration, Ground Crew and Pilots. There is a separate sub-page for each trade category.
a note about initials and spellings of names:
many of these names were taken from microfilm of the Squadron Daily Diary. Even in the best of circumstances, they were fuzzy. So initials and names might not be accurate here. If you think you recognize someone but the initials or spelling don't look quite right, your version is probably better than mine. Please contact me
Below the list on this page are photos with numbers associated with each face. Many faces have names as well. If you see a face which I have identified incorrectly, please let me know. This is a work in progress!
a note about initials and spellings of names:
many of these names were taken from microfilm of the Squadron Daily Diary. Even in the best of circumstances, they were fuzzy. So initials and names might not be accurate here. If you think you recognize someone but the initials or spelling don't look quite right, your version is probably better than mine. Please contact me
Below the list on this page are photos with numbers associated with each face. Many faces have names as well. If you see a face which I have identified incorrectly, please let me know. This is a work in progress!
Name Trade Adamson, Robert J. Ground Ahlskog, Vincent Ground Aikin, Robert Ground Aikin, Edward Cameron Ground Allison, John .A. Admin Allman, Leonard Ralph Pilot Anderson, Frank M. Ground Anderson, Sid Ground Antonchuk, O. W. Admin Ashburner, Leslie J. Pilot Aspin, Austen Ground Austen, F.A. Ground Babcock, Mel Admin Baird, Gordon D. Pilot Baker, Ren Ground Baldester, Douglas R. Ground Baldwin, Allen A. Ground Bartlett, G.B. Ground Beatty, James H. Pilot Beeman,A.L. Admin Bell, Alfred E. Ground Bell, Kenneth W. Ground Bell, Vivian Maxwell Ground Bergen, Henry G. Ground Betts, Admin Black, Ivan Leo Ground Blackley, T.W. Ground Blair, G.R. Pilot Blow, Clifford A. Ground Bond, Robert McD. Ground Boomer, Kenneth Pilot Borkowski, Edward D. Ground Boulton, Keith R. Ground Bower, R.C. Admin Boyd, A.J.T. Admin Brennan, C.M. Ground Broeder, William Ground Brown, G.W. Admin Brown, R.W. Ground Brown, Robert Wm. Ground Buchanan, J. Ground Buckingham, L.G. Admin Bull, Alfred E. Ground Burch, R.D. Admin Burgess, W.J. Admin Burke, J.V. Pilot Burk, M.E. "Ed" Admin Burkett, W.L. Admin Butler, G.R. Ground Byers, H.R. Ground Cameron, Admin Campbell Donald Claude Pilot Campbell, William Ronald Pilot Cannon, R.E.L. Pilot Child, Fred A. Ground Christman, H. Ground Christopherson, Del E. Ground Christy, Richard R. Pilot Clacken, Courtney Pilot Clark, Admin Clark, W. Donald Ground Clarke, Archibald E. Pilot Clarke, J. H. Pilot Cole, Sidney Ground Coleman, M.H. Ground Conn, Kenneth B. Brass Costello, G.A. Pilot Coutts, Kenneth Ground Cowan, Robert J. Admin Craddock, S.A. Admin Crandall, Max E. Ground Crawford, H.W. Admin Crawford, Norman E. Ground Cripps, W.M. Ground Cross Harold Ground Crowley, Francis J. Pilot Cummings, G.L. Admin Dale, John Ernest Ground Dalzell, R.J. Bert Ground Davies, Philip Ground Davies, R.J. Ground Davies, T.H. Admin Davis, Donald A. Ground Davis, Hal Ground DeBeaupre, R.J. Ground Delaney, Pilot DeVyre, M. Admin Dewar, J.F. Pilot Dion, J.B.F.B. Admin Disbrow, H.B. Ground Doak, J.B. "Joe" Pilot Doidge, R.W. Pilot Doughty, E.D. Ground Douglas, G. Ground Dowling, Ian M. Admin Dowsett, G.W. Ground Drummond, Admin Duffacy, Admin Duncan, R.A. Ground Dunn, Roland A. Ground Dunne, M.W.F. Roger Admin Dyer, Walter O. Ground E_____ing, Ralph Edwin Ground Edwards, F.A, Ground Eley, C.A. Ground Ellerson, Robert Roy Ground Elliott, George J. Brass Elliott, Theodore W. Ground English, Delbert F. Pilot Eskil, Odin John Pilot Evans, T. Ground Fackler, G.W. Admin Farrell, O.V.N. Admin Ferris, Fred Ground Flett, A.P. Ground Flewelling, Admin Forbes, John Ground Fordham, Jack Graham Ground Francis, Carl Ground Fraser, C. Admin Fulis (?), Bertrum J. Admin Fulton, R. Ground Funk, J. Admin Garrity, Stanley J. Ground Garside, Stanley V. Pilot Giffen, A.J. Ground Gifford, Admin Glass, A.A. Admin Gohl, James G. Pilot Goldenberg, S. Admin Gooding, Harold O. Pilot Gordon, Donald Ground Gordon, John A. Pilot Graham, Ground Graves, A.L. Ground Griffiths, L.J. Ground Grindrod, George Ground Gropp, H.R. Admin Guigaien, N.J. Ground Haines, Ground Hair, Douglas G. Admin Hall, Alfred D. Admin Hanchet, Walter H Pilot Hanlon, Cornelius G. Ground Hannigan, Milton N. Ground Hanson, B.M. Ground Harrison, A.L.S. Pilot Harrop, B.F. Admin Hathaway, E.L. Ground Hawthorne, Ed Ground Heath, Roy Hinkle Pilot Heavens, W.G. Ground Henley, Ernest Ground Herring, William Ground Hicks, Clifford Pilot Hindson, "Pop" Ground Hines, Herbert Henry Ground Hobson, Leo Admin Hohnstein, G. Admin Holton, Godfrey Ground Hopper, N.D. Ground Howden, F.H. Ground Hudson, J.L. Admin Hyman, James S. Ground Ingalls, John M. Pilot Itson (?), Harry Wm. Ground Jacobson, F. L. Admin Jarred, Arthur Pilot Johnson, Gerard P. Pilot Johnson, J.H. Admin Jones, Ground Jupp, Clifford C. Ground Jurgesatch, Earhart J. Ground Kellett, R.E. Ground Kelly, J.J.S. Admin Kelly, Gerald E. Ground Kendall, Admin Kennedy, R.M. Admin Kerwin, John William Pilot Keyworth, A.O. Ground Killip, A.C. Admin Kuykendall, Ken Ground LaBrash, Jack E. Ground LaFave, Thomas Ground Laine, O.H. Admin Laing, William Admin Laird, Robert Cath. Ground Lang, Bruce Haig Ground Lang, W.A. Admin Lans , E.T. Ground Larson, Henry R. Ground Lavoie, J. L. Paul Ground Lawrence, Ground Lay, George R. Ground Lennon, Frank Pilot Levack, R.R. Ground |
Name Trade Lillico, Robt John Ground Lippert, John Wm. Pilot Listwood, Dennis Joseph Ground Love, James W. Ground Ludlow, W. Wallace Ground Lush, J.N. Admin Lutes, Admin Lynch, Gilbert Hylton Ground Lynch, Robert Pilot M______, George Ground MacDonald, Donald Ground MacDonald, J.W. Admin MacDonald, D.W. Admin Mann, Admin Manser, William P. Ground Martin, George Arch. Ground Matheson, George T. Ground Maxmen, Stanley Ray Pilot McAndrew, Michael Walt. Ground McClelland, Ronald Ground McGill, D.R. Pilot McGregor, Gordon R. Brass McIntosh, H.C. Ground McIntyre, W.E. Ground McKay, F.T. Admin McKibbon, Jack Gibbs Ground McLeod, Ground McLeod, S.R.J. Pilot McMorris, Allen Ground McNab, Ernest A. Brass McVay, Patrick Ground Merkley, Edward A. Pilot Middleton, B.E. Pilot Middleton, Norman C. Admin Millar, G.G. Pilot Mitchell, Harry Thorne Pilot Mitchell, William "Bill" Ground Mitchinson, T.C. Ground Molnar, N.J. Admin Moodie, Lyall Admin Moore, Fred. LLoyd Ground Moore, J.K. Admin Moran, Admin Morgan, T.B. Admin Morin, G. M. Ground Morley, Al E. Ground Morrow, Robert E.E. Brass Morse, Hugh Pilot Morton, Arthur Admin Mortwedt, I.E. Ground Moss, J.H. Admin Muldoon, John Admin Murry (?), Walter Ground Mussieux, Bernard R. Ground Nadler, H.J. Admin Neale, D.B. Admin Nesbitt, Arthur Deane Admin Newman, J.G.R. Admin Newman, Leroy H. Ground Nicol, Ground Noel, Boston Ground Nolan, Harold Ground Norris, L.K. Admin Norrish, William Edwin Ground O'Boyle, G.W. Ground O'Neill, John Bernard Ground Open, Henry Morgan Ground Orr, James Donald Pilot Orthman, Tom Pilot Ostupchuck, John Ground Oxenham, Albert John Ground Paquet, J.W. Admin Parkhill, D.L. Ground Parkhill, J.Y. Ground Patterson, G.F. Ground Paul, John McBain Admin Paynter, Harold C. Pilot Peacock, W.D. Pilot Pearce, G.F. "Bob" Admin Pederson, Arthur Neal Ground Pelletier, Joseph Dennis Ground Pentland, William H. Brass Percheson, Michael Ground Perkins, A.F. Ground Perkins, Joseph Ground Peverley, B.G. Admin Phillips, R.A. Ground Phillips, W.K. Ground Phoenix, Percival L.. Ground Pichard, Joseph Ground Pierce, C.B. Pilot Pigden, W.L. Pilot Pike, C. Ground Pilkey, Colin Bruce Ground Pitcher, Paul B. Brass Poole, Walter Ernest Ground Porritt, Donald Eyre Ground Pott___s, Stanley Garrett Ground Pratt, Floyd John Ground R______S, Gilbert Henry Ground Rabe, August W. Pilot Ralphs, Fred Ground Ramsay, D.L. Pilot Ranahan, Ground Reeder, C.R. Admin Rennie, David T. Ground Richards, John Ground Riding, Admin Risso (?), John Francis Ground Robinson, Freddy Admin Robinson, William John Ground Rol, Dutch Ground Roseland, Arnold Pilot Rosets, M.G. Admin Sabourin, J.L. Pilot Sagar, "Sugar" Ground Sartore, L.S. "Smug" Ground Saunders, Neil B. Admin Scale, Almondo Ground Schofield, Admin Schwalm, George T. Pilot Sewall, Donald James Ground Sewall, P.J. Ground Simmonds, G.H. Ground Skelly, F.R. Pilot Smith, Clarence Ed. Ground Snow, A.J.T. Ground Spencer, Joseph Ground Spero, D. E. Ground Springborn, Frederick Admin Stan, N. Admin Stapleton, D.L. Pilot Staples, H.W. "Ted" Ground Steinberg, Sammy Admin Sterling, Pilot Stewart, James Pilot Stiles, Douglas Stewart Pilot Stiles, William Pilot St Louis, W.J. Admin Stocks, R.Y. Ground Strader, J.K. Admin Stri____, Phillip Gerrard Ground Stringer, Cedrick Admin Stusiak, Nicholas Pilot Sullivan, G.P. Admin Summers, J.A. Ground Sunstrum, Lyman Ground Sutherland, William Ground Tellier, Joseph Bernard Admin Tenebein, Maxie Admin Thompson, H.C. Brass Thompson, Norman J. Ground Thompson, R.G. Ground Thornton, George Walter Ground Thrasher, J.A. Ground Tingley, Davis Peter Ground Tompkinson, Fred Ground Trepanier, R.R. Ground Trigg, G.W. Ground Troughton, Wilfred Ike Ground Trusz, J.P. Ground Usherwood, Ground Wakeling, Nelson"Duff" Pilot Walker, Bradley R. Pilot Walker, R.T. Pilot Walsh, Thomas Ground Walton, Leslie K. Ground Ward, Harold D. Ground Ward, Walter N. Pilot Wardrop, J.N. "Les" Admin Waterbury, Lafayette J. Ground Watkins, A.A. "Al" Pilot Watkins, Elliot Allen Pilot Webb, W. Ian Admin Weber, Gordon Robert Pilot Weber, Robt George Ground Weeks, W.R. Pilot Wendland, David Jacob Ground West, Admin Whitecross, A.F. Ground Whiteside, Dean E. Pilot Whitlock, George M. Ground Whyte, C.M. Ground Wickett, Ground Williams, E.C. Pilot Wilson, Buck Admin Wilson, R.L. Ground Winters, Ernest W. Ground Witherspoon, Karl A. Ground Wise, Lou Ground Wright, Donald V. Pilot Wright, Dennis L. Ground Wright, R.M. Ground Wright, AC2 Admin Young, Forrest Bee Pilot Young (?), John Alex. Ground Yoxall, A.B. Admin |
Squadron Portrait - Middle Section
Date: March 3, 1942 Patricia Bay, British Columbia
I'm only missing 22 from this section. See anybody you know? Help! Their names are among the names above.
See below for the top rows magnified.
Date: March 3, 1942 Patricia Bay, British Columbia
I'm only missing 22 from this section. See anybody you know? Help! Their names are among the names above.
See below for the top rows magnified.
Left side of top rows of the middle section, magnified
Right side of top rows of the middle section, magnified
Squadron Portrait - Left Side
Date: March 3, 1942 Patricia Bay, British Columbia
See anybody you know? I'm only missing 3 from this section. Help! Their names are among the names above.
Date: March 3, 1942 Patricia Bay, British Columbia
See anybody you know? I'm only missing 3 from this section. Help! Their names are among the names above.
Squadron Portrait - Right Side
Date: March 3, 1942 Patricia Bay, British Columbia
See anybody you know? I'm only missing 16 from this section. Help! Their names are among the names above.
Date: March 3, 1942 Patricia Bay, British Columbia
See anybody you know? I'm only missing 16 from this section. Help! Their names are among the names above.
Note to Relatives:
I am grateful to Christie Anne Jensen, daughter of S/L David Ramsay, for discovering that this Certificate is available.
She wrote:
"The Governor of Alaska will issue a certificate of appreciation to WW 2
veterans serving in the Aleutians during the campaign period of June 3, 1942
through August 24, 1943.
Any member of a veteran's family can apply. Anyone who has not received one, should write to: Jerry Beale, Director Veterans Affairs, Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, P O Box 5800, Fort Richardson, Alaska, 99505-5800."
This is the one that honours her Father.
I am grateful to Christie Anne Jensen, daughter of S/L David Ramsay, for discovering that this Certificate is available.
She wrote:
"The Governor of Alaska will issue a certificate of appreciation to WW 2
veterans serving in the Aleutians during the campaign period of June 3, 1942
through August 24, 1943.
Any member of a veteran's family can apply. Anyone who has not received one, should write to: Jerry Beale, Director Veterans Affairs, Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, P O Box 5800, Fort Richardson, Alaska, 99505-5800."
This is the one that honours her Father.